The Archive as Project – the Poetics and Politics of the (photo) Archive


The Archive as project – the Poetics and Politics of the (photo) Archive
editor: Krzysztof Pijarski
graphic design by: Jacek Redzisz
language version: English / Polish 
pages: 587, illustrations: 196 
dimensions: 22 x 15.5 cm
published: 2011
price: free of charge
packaging and shipping fee: 5 EUR (Poland), 13 EUR (international)



10: Introduction
23: The Archive in Theory
42: John Tagg: The Archiving Machine Or, The Camera and the Filing Cabinet
67: Wolfgang Ernst, Archive, Storage, Entropy. Tempo(e)alities of Photography
87: André Gunthert, History as Guerrilla. The Discourse and Pragmatics of the Photographic Archive
106: Helen Petrovsky, Matter and Memory in Photography
132: Sven Spieker, On the Question of Archives and Entropy in Contemporary Art (Legrady, Muntadas)
153: Nataša Petrašin-Bachelez, Living Archive: The Performative Potential of a Document. A Case Study: The Contextual Part ot the Exhibition The Promises of the Past
177: Nina Lager Vestberg, Index / Finger: Medium and Materiality in the Archive
191: The Archive Looking Awry I: Archives of Disputed Histories
216: Ariella Azoulay, There is No Such Thing As a National Archive
243: Akram Zaatari, Unmaking National Borders: Photographic Records as Tools
255: The Archive Looking Awry II
291: Wojciech Wilczyk, Iwona Kurz, Documentary Photography and the Archive
309: The Institutional Perspective
333: Miklόs Tamási, The Fortepan Open Archive
358: Tone Rasch, DEXTRA Photo A Commercial Photo Agency and a Museum Collection
380: Grayson Dantzic, Archiving as a Metaphor for Life: A Slidesow
402: Zuzanna Meisnerowá-Wismerová, The Shattered Face of History
411: Nikodem Bończa-Tomaszewski, The Practice of Digital Archives: Will Digital Archives be Open?
427: Karolina Lewandowska, The place of NGOs in Archival Activities
435: The Archive Looking Awry III: Kisieland – Queering the Archive
438: Karol Radziszewski, Kisieland
470: Tomasz Basiuk, Notes on Karol Radziszewski’s Kisieland
483: The Archive Looking Awry IV: Archives of the Everyday
493: Ewa Klekot, The Right to the Use of the Archive
526: Lucia Nimcová, Ewa Klekot, The Archive from Askance
533: Roundtable
550: The Archive as a Realm of Crossing Paths
569: Contributors
586: On the FotoRejestr project

Project FotoRejestr co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.