Adam Pańczuk, Rays

In his latest project, Adam Pańczuk investigates human subconsciousness and its representability through the photographic image by working with a model and building a non-existing world – one created with the use of props, actors, and scenery. Pańczuk depicts something that does not exist in the visible world, with the sequence of images he produces bringing to mind an oneiric logic and evoking dreams in which we experience flashes of understanding, unwavering confidence, and harmony. However, the brightness is soon replaced by daylight, just after we wake up.

Pańczuk’s exhibition is based on a formal trick whereby he eliminates daylight. The artist invites viewers to a theatre of the night in which photography radiates light and focuses our attention, while we remain safe in the darkness. The pictures were taken in Belarus on Lake Świteź in 2017.

The project is inspired by the theory of performative photography, which is a type of photographic art that records events staged solely for the purpose of picture taking. It also alludes to the exhibition Choreography of Images. Performative Photography: Zbigniew Dłubak, Mariusz Hermanowicz, Antoni Zdebiak, which is based on the archives of the Archaeology of Photography Foundation. Both shows are part of the Living Archives project, in which the Archeology of Photography Foundation works with contemporary artists to produce new art projects inspired by photography or archives. This year, the Foundation partners up with Sputnik Photos to produce the Living archives.

The exhibition is part of the Warsaw Gallery Weekend

opening of the exhibition: 22/09/2017, 16.00
closing of the exhibition: 05/11/2017
opening hours during Warsaw Gallery Weekend
22/09: 16.00-22.00
23-24/09: 12.00-20.00
Opening hours on other days (25/09-5/11)
Monday-Sunday: 11.00-19.00



The project is co-financed by the City of Warsaw.

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