Exhibition opening: June 14, 2023, 7 p.m.
The exhibition will run from June 15, 2023 to July 26, 2023.
Archeology of Photography Foundation / Social Center for Photography
20 Chłodna St., 00-891 Warsaw
Opening hours: Tue.: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Wed., Thu., Sat., Sun.: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Archeology of Photography Foundation. The experience of working with archival photographs over such a long period of time makes us proud but also provokes reflections. And so, rather than presenting the history of our Foundation through the prism of its most outstanding successes, we would like to reflect upon the character of working with archives as a non-governmental organization. Where exactly does strategy end and starts giving way to pure accident? What is it like to work with collections, when trying to deal with the constraints of the system? We will take a closer look at the failures, problems, and affections that limit/drive our creative activities, but also sometimes prevent us from going over the top. Far from the heroic narratives and prevailing discourses of how to preserve the national heritage, we invite visitors to enter the backstage and participate in the Foundation ‘behind the scenes’ activities: Together we will create and edit a photography series from favorite photographs selected by the employees of the Archeology of Photography Foundation, we will see what happens to the original boxes after the photographs are repackaged, and we will take a peek into the archives.
Authors of the photographs presented in the exhibition: Janusz Bąkowski, Zofia Chomętowska, Maria Chrząszczowa, Zbigniew Dłubak, Jan Fleischmann and Waldyna Fleischmann, Andrzej Georgiew, Mariusz Hermanowicz, Jan Jastrzębski, Władysław Lemm, Marek Piasecki, Maciej Musiał, Marian Musiał, Danuta Rago, Tadeusz Sumiński, Harry Weinberg, Wojciech Zamecznik, Antoni Zdebiak.
Curators: Anna Hornik and Marta Przybyło in collaboration with the entire team: Ewa Jadacka, Kamila Kobus, and Kate Smuraga.
Text editing and proofreading: Maria Sokołowska
Translation: Aleksandra Szymczyk
Pre-press: Karol Bagiński / Foto-grafika
Conservation and maintenance: Michał Kożurno
PR: Maja Sztenke / Steinke Communications
Exhibition installation: Mateusz Wierzbicki / Willow Service

The project co-financed by the City of Warsaw: