The Archive of Zofia Chomętowska’s works is now divided between two collections, the Museum of Warsaw (the photographs of the capital from the interwar period, during the war and post-war materials) and the Archaeology of Photography Foundation (photographs from her native Polesie and her émigré life in Argentina).
In a new publication, prepared jointly by both institutions, the artist’s entire archive has been made available in order to present the unique biography of Chomętowska – a photographer, a courageous, independent and modern woman. The publication presents 597 photos collected in four albums: The Enthusiast (1912–1935), The Professional (1936–1944), Documentalist (1945) and Émigré (1946–1981).
Together they represent the key stages of Chomętowska’s biography and artistic work which was shaped by the political climate of the period and her search for an adequate means of expressing it. The authors endeavoured to indentify the people and places captured in the photographs and their efforts helped to reveal the impetus of this aristocratic, outgoing, cosmopolitan artist. It also draws a panoramic, historical view of an artist’s life between Prochońsk, Warsaw and Buenos Aires, span-ning nearly 70 years.
Museum of Warsaw and the Archaeology of Photography Foundation
Book Launch: 24th May 2016