
Where is the body. On Agnieszka Rayss’s project.

Or rather: what is it like and who does it belong to? Is photography able to convey shapes and structures of the body shell the same way the beautiful wax moulages do? ‘I started with collecting them” – says the photographer. University Museums within Anatomy Departments and those opened next to M.E. Office in Hamburg, the collection of Forensics Center in Wrocław - these were the areas of her explorations. She photographed body parts, internal organs and bones stored in repositories and locked away in cabinets as well as moulages, the plaster or wax models perfectly imitating surfaces of objects - in this very case those of the body and skin, which were showcased as permanent expositions.
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Dłubak in Foundation Cartier-Bresson

The Zbigniew Dłubak – Héritier des avant-gardes exhibition is being held at the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson between January 17 and April 29, 2018. In the post-war period, Zbigniew Dłubak (1921-2005) was one of the driving forces behind the profound changes in the Polish artistic scene. A great experimenter of photographic forms, he was also a painter, art theoretician, teacher and editor of the Fotografia magazine for twenty years, introducing into this publication a robust photographic critique and interdisciplinary approach to the medium. He enjoyed a certain notoriety in Poland during his lifetime. Several monographic exhibitions were dedicated to him and some of his major works are part of Polish public collections.
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Andrzej Georgiew: Layers, exhibition in Krakow

Andrzej Georgiew was a photographer who never made projects or series, and yet who left behind a remarkably coherent oeuvre. Man is central to his interest; above all, the human face. He used to say: I keep getting the feeling that I’m always taking the same photograph. Georgiew returned to the same figures many times, stripping away more and more layers. In this way, he was trying to extract this “presentness” from time and to capture it. The fruit of these encounters is a series of apparently similar photographs.
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Adam Pańczuk, Rays

In his latest project, Adam Pańczuk investigates human subconsciousness and its representability through the photographic image by working with a model and building a non-existing world – one created with the use of props, actors, and scenery. Pańczuk depicts something that does not exist in the visible world, with the sequence of images he produces bringing to mind an oneiric logic and evoking dreams in which we experience flashes of understanding, unwavering confidence, and harmony. However, the brightness is soon replaced by daylight, just after we wake up.
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Choreography of Images

Choreography of Images. Performative Photography: Zbigniew Dłubak, Mariusz Hermanowicz, Antoni Zdebiak The exhibition originates in discussions on relations between photography, performance, stage productions and widely understood acting in front of the camera lens. The area of our interest however does not focus on performance documentation, which constitutes a supplement of an activity per se, functioning independently from the fact, whether it was photographed or not. We are interested in such photos, which main aim is – according to the artist’s intention – the image as such. Therefore they present to the viewer activities which arose for the purpose of the photo, where the author is not only a witness, but first and foremost the director and choreographer and finally might fulfill a role of an actor as well. The exhibition presents the original prints from 80’s, from archives which Archeology of Photography Foundation is working and making research on.
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That Which Doesn’t Die, Does Not Live - new exhibition

An “ordinary” death is less and less present in culture. People don’t die in the presence of their families, but in hospitals; a coffin with a dead body is not held at home for three days, but instead the relatives visit the deceased in a chapel. According to the cultural anthropologist Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, “contemporary culture, with its cult of youth, if not immortality, is scared stiff of death […] The world, which doesn’t believe in any truths anymore, which perceives everything as a mask and appearance, defends against this most inevitable of truths in any way it can.”
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To celebrate the Year of the Avant-garde 2017, Archeology of Photography Foundation is exhibiting a selection of Zbigniew Dłubak’s iconic photographs from 1947-1950 for the very first time. In the exhibition Dłubak’s works are juxtaposed with the contemporary series by Basia Sokołowska titled Equivalents 2017. The exhibition is part of Living Archives, a current series of events organised by the APF, opening up the oeuvre of acclaimed artists to contemporary interpretations.
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Jan Jastrzębski, Report

This exhibition marks the first presentation of works by this author at the Archeology of Photography Foundation gallery, and is also an inauguration of the Foundation’s works on the photographer’s archive. Jan Jastrzębski (1925-2001) worked as a reporter for Kraj and Miesięcznik Polski (The Polish Review / La Revue Polonaise). He photographed Polish province and industry, and was also involved in creating documentations of works of art and landscape photography.
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Anna Zagrodzka, Collection

Anna Zagrodzka’s project Collection refers to the system of teaching art history based on using visual material on slides. This method, commonly used before the arrival of digital reproduction, is still applied in many lectures.
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Zofia Chomętowska: Photographer’s Albums

The Archive of Zofia Chomętowska’s works is now divided between two collections, the Museum of Warsaw (the photographs of the capital from the interwar period, during the war and post-war materials) and the Archaeology of Photography Foundation (photographs from her native Polesie and her émigré life in Argentina).
In a new publication, prepared jointly by both institutions, the artist’s entire archive has been made available in order to present the unique biography of Chomętowska – a photographer, a courageous, independent and modern woman. The publication presents 597 photos collected in four albums: The Enthusiast (1912–1935), The Professional (1936–1944), Documentalist (1945) and Émigré (1946–1981).
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Exhibition „LUX” on Warsaw Gallery Weekend

The exhibition Lux is a continuation of the Archeology of Photography Foundation’s series of projects based on collaborations with contemporary artists which aim to inspire theoretical reflections on important issues for the history of photography and research practices. The formal background and past ventures of the artists invited to this project are radically different. This heterogeneity opened an opportunity for a multi-layered examination of a theme which is broad and inspiring in various respects – from metaphysical to technological, but which is also dangerously easy to trivialise.
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Picnic on the Rock. Photographs by Stefan Bursche

We invite you to the opening of the exhibition of photographs by Stefan Bursche. It will take place on November 7 (Friday) from 6 – 8pm at the FF Gallery in Łódź, 17 Traugutta St. The exhibition will be open until November 29, 2014. 
Stefan Bursche (1887-1940), a trained engineer, spent most of his life in Łódź and Pabianice, where he worked at the Geyer and Krusche & Ender textile companies. Privately, Bursche was an enthusiast of sightseeing trips, which he attended as a member of the Łódź Tourism Association and of the Łódź division of the Tatra Society. It is likely that it is these activities that led him to developing his interest in photography.
Stefan Bursche’s legacy, comprising over eight hundred negatives (including glass and celluloid), is more than just a family archive – both in its scope and content, as well as its historical and artistic value. 

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 We invite you to the opening of the exhibition COLLAGE. DEHUMAN with works by Filip Tofil, which will take place on October 30 (Thursday), 7pm.
Everything has already been done. Deconstruction, fragmentation, multiplication, humiliation, or even abuse, of body. The tradition of collage reaches back to the experiments carried out by the Dadaists, Surrealists, and Pop artists. In spite of that, both the theme and the form continually help to broaden the artistic horizons – not only due to the technical and iconographic possibilities (the latter of which manifest themselves in the endlessness and accessibility of the iconographic collections, such as photo archives and library collections), but most of all thanks to the ubiquity of body in visual culture. The exhibition is open until November 7.  

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We invite you to the opening of the exhibition Albom.pl, which takes place on the January 8 (Thursday) at 7pm. The photographs, over fifty of which are presented at the show, have been collected during a 2014 research tour across seven towns: Kleszczele and Gródek in Poland, and Sapotskin, Lunna, Voupa, Vawkavysk, and Kamenets-Litovsk in Belarus. Photographers and historians from both countries took part in it.

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The Estate

The Estate. Sculptures from the collection of the von Rose family with films and photographs from the archives of Zofia Chomętowska, 18 March – 17 May 2015, Opening: 15 March 2015 at 6.00 p.m., The Museum of Sculpture in Królikarnia.
In the 20th c., Central and Eastern Europe was so much a terrifying as it was a fascinating melting pot of history, with all its wars, revolutions, property expropriated and privatized, people resettled or having to flee. The constant transformations and market changes shaped and reshaped its social, cultural and economic spheres. A certain social structure was coming to an end, and with it a specific culture. The process was parallel to the actual material destruction of works of art. Cooperation: The Archeology of Photography Foundation.

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Emulsion, Exhibition opening: 28 May 2015

Reviewing the analogue roots of photography is extremely important in the context of contemporary photographic practices. The exhibition Emulsion emerges from the need of revisiting the issues concerned with the materiality of photography and the related formal explorations. The project comprises works by three acclaimed artists who work in photography, but also engage with other media: Dorota Buczkowska, Nicolas Grospierre, and Robert Kuśmirowski. They will show brand new works, prepared especially for the Foundation's gallery space, which reference the origins of photography and deal with such notions as photosensitivity and conservation of photographic material. Coinciding with the opening night of the exhibition will be launch of the book under the same title. The book will feature archival photographs next to works by artists reflecting on the photographic matter as well as exploiting the potential latent in damaged photographs.

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Exhibition of Antoni Zdrodowski's Photographs

We warmly invite you to the opening of the exhibition of photographs by Antoni Zdrodowski, a photographer from Białystok. The private view will take place on the 3rd of April (Thursday) at 6.30 pm at the Archaeology of Photography Foundation’s gallery. The exhibition has been curated by Grzegorz Dąbrowski. Feel welcome to take this opportunity to also visit our neighbours – Starter Gallery and Stacja Muranów.

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Zofia Chomętowska in Olsztyn

The next edition of Zofia Chomętowska’s show Between the Frames. Photographs from 1925-45 will take place in Olsztyn. Over 80 photographs from Polesie, where Chomętowska was born and spent many years, offer an opportunity to remind ourselves about the history of this multicultural region, inhabited by Poleszuks, Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Jews. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday 23rd May, at 5pm.

Rynek MOK Gallery, Stare Miasto St. 24/25, Olsztyn

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Ambiguous Warsaw: Tadeusz Sumiński

We would like to invite you to the opening of Tadeusz Sumiński’s exhibition which will take place on the 7th May at 6pm. It’s the first exhibition from the series Ambiguous Warsaw. The series, devoted to post-war photography of architecture, aims to expose the Warsaw-related activity of three authors tied to the Foundation: Tadeusz Sumiński, Maria Chrząszczowa, and Wojciech Zamecznik. 

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The American Trick

Multiple portrait, associated in Poland mostly with the archives of Marcel Duchamp and Witkacy, was one of the most popular photographic games in the early 20th century. Private collections and home archives still hide photographs with multiplied reflections of models. The Russians called it the “American trick,” while the Americans referred to it as multiphotography. It arrived to Poland thanks to Witkacy, who brought the idea from St. Petersburg.

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