
Faces of “Free Time”

This exhibition at the Archeology of Photography Foundation focuses on selected customary ways of depicting “free time” in the 20th-century private photography. Family albums, negatives and slides—loans brought together by the Foundation—reveal a diverse image of this phenomenon.

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You. Me. Things

You is a young female or a young male. Me is a young male or a young female. Things is the world that surrounds them, and of which they dream. Things describe and define them. They make them happy and ensnare them. They let them dream, but also deprive them of their dreams. Things are the third element in the love game between You and Me—a game that takes place in the interiors of modern homes and on the pages of modern magazines…

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Zofia Chomętowska’s Photo-Book and Exhibition in Minsk

We are pleased to announce a promotional event for the photo-book Zofia Chomętowska. Polesie. Photographs from 1925-1939, which will take place at Klub/Księgarnia Wrzenie Świata, Gałczyńskiego Street 7, on Wednesday, 12 October, at 19.00. Participants will include Karolina Breguła (artist, photographer, author of the Corrective Photographs project), Adam Mazur (photography critic and historian), Karolina Puchała-Rojek (photography historian, the book’s editor). The meeting is organised by the Archaeology of Photography Foundation and Instytut Reportażu.

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Krzysztof Pijarski: Text for Playing the Archive Game

 We are pleased to announce another event taking part through the Living Archives project: the exhibition Jerzy Lewczyński / Krzysztof Pijarski. Playing the Archive Game is an attempt to reinterpret the archive, but also the entire oeuvre, of photographer Jerzy Lewczyński. At Galeria Asymetria we are showing Jerzy Lewczyński’s (b. 1924) photographic series Face-Pulling Skirmish and a new work by Krzysztof Pijarski (b. 1980), titled JL – KP, which is an attempt to confront the larger figure of the Gliwice-based artist and the archive he has amassed over years. The exhibition is on from 17 June through 31 July 2011. Opening hours during the summer season: Monday-Wednesday 11.00-17.00, Thursday 12.00-19.00.

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Alice in Wonderland at Asymmetry Gallery


Asymmetry Gallery and the Archeology of Photography Foundation present the exhibition of cult photographic series Alice in Wonderland by Tomek Sikora i Marcin Mroszczak. Opening: Asymmetry Gallery, September 16 (Thursday), 7 p.m. The exhibition runs until October 29.

more photographs>>>

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Exhibition of works by Zofia Chometowska

 For the first time since seventy years an individual exhibition of works by Zofia Chometowska (1902-1991) – one of most eminent and prolific women photographers of the interwar period and a pioneer of Polish photojournalism – opens in Warsaw featuring mostly her unknown work. Discovered in the artist’s archive (which was transported from Argentina owing to the FotoRejestr project, with the support of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage), the works reveal a broad range of techniques characteristic of 35mm Leica camera. Introduced to the market in the mid-1920s, Leica was the first 35mm camera and, at the same time, a synonym of modern photography. more photographs >>>

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November 14, Mariusz Hermanowicz, exhibition opening

View from my Window, a unique photographic series by Mariusz Hermanowicz (1950-2008), will be presented for a week in the artist’s former apartment in Warsaw. For the duration of the exhibition, the apartment will host 40 unique photographs from the series. Looking out the apartment window, the visitors will have an opportunity to witness the current state of the site photographed by Hermanowicz.

The series of black-and-white photographs taken between 1968 and 1979, shows the same location from the time before the construction of the Lazienkowska expressway, the development of the thoroughfare, and the first years following its opening, including the historical events which took place there, such as motorcades of Leonid Brezhnev or the Pope John Paul II.
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Symmetriads by Krzysztof Vorbrodt


The exhibition of works by Krzysztof Vorbrodt (1929-2001) entitled Symmetriads – Repetition, co-organized by the Foundation, will open on Thursday, 27th of May, 7.00 p.m., at the Asymmetry Gallery. Symmetriads – Repetition is the first individual presentation of Krzysztof Vorbrodt’s works in Warsaw. Had it not been for the Anthology of Polish Photography by Jerzy Lewczynski, Vorbrodt would have remained a completely obscure artist. The output of this photographer, associated with the circle of Photographers’ Association in Gliwice, was discovered and preserved because the effort and help of Jerzy Lewczynski.
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Dlubak – Sources in Asymetria

Up until the 11th of September, the Asymetria Gallery will host an exhibition that is the second installment of new work by Krzysztof Pijarski who was invited to confront the archive of Zbigniew Dlubak, Polish photographer, painter, art theorist and critic. more photographs>>>


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The Polesie Mythologies – Exhibition in Lublin

On Friday, 9th October, the exhibition Zofia Chometowska – the Polesie Mythologies will open at the Association for the Encouragement of Fine Arts [Zacheta] in Lublin. The show will be the first presentation of fragments of Zofia Chometowska’s archive researched by the Foundation.

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Factory and Form – Exhibition of Photographs by Tadeusz Suminski

This exhibition offers the first glimpse into material from the archive of the outstanding landscape photographer Tadeusz Suminski, currently being researched by the Foundation. It features a selection of works made during the period when Suminski worked as the photographer for the African and Asian edition of “Polska” monthly (“La Revue Polonaise”, “The Polish Review”, published by Polonia press).

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Zbigniew Dlubak - "Peripheral Landscape" in Asymetria Gallery

Research in the archive of Zbigniew Dlubak has shed light on a fragment of the least known period in the artist’s practice. In the 1950s, having withdrawn himself from artistic and public life, the artist abandoned avant-garde experiments in order to turn towards documentary photography. From 1950 to 1962, Dlubak photographed desolate cityscapes and scenes from small town life, turning their ugliness and gloomy atmosphere into an artistic value.

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Peripheral Landscape in Lublin’s Zacheta

From April 17 to May 8 the exhibition Peripheral Landscape [Krajobraz peryferyjny] was on view at the Association for the Encouragement of Fine Arts [Zacheta] in Lublin. The presentation was accompanied by a lecture on the oeuvre of Zbigniew Dlubak delivered by Karolina Lewandowska.

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Love Story

Love Story. Fotografie z archiwum Anny i Krystiana Jarnuszkiewiczów Kuratorzy: Patrick Komorowski, Gunia Nowik Organizatorzy: Pola Magnetyczne, Fundacja Archeologia Fotografii Wernisaż: 22.02.2018, godzina 18.00 wystawa czynna: 23.02.2018-6.04.2018 Galeria Fundacji Archeologia Fotografii, Chłodna 20, Warszawa wystawa czynna codziennie: 11-19.00 Anna i Krystian Jarnuszkiewicz poznali się w 1952 roku, we wrocławskiej Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Sztuk Pięknych. Ona była na wydziale malarstwa, on rzeźby. Po zakończeniu studiów żyli razem i tworzyli, nawet jeśli czasem oddzielnie, to w ciągłej bliskości, przez ponad pięćdziesiąt lat – aż do śmierci Krystiana w 2016 roku. Okoliczności te stanowią krajobraz ich wspólnej podróży i to w jej kontekście należy patrzeć na obszerny wybór zdjęć ukazujący ich dorobek na wystawie Love Story.
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